Some of our January statements referenced a collection agency. If you believe your account is in good standing, please disregard the notice.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Please review all of the latest information regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and the steps that you need to take to prevent it's spread and what to do if you think you may be infected.
Click on the link below to read our updated Covid-19 information packet.
Updated Covid Info November 30, 2020
Dear neighbor,
Heart of Texas Healthcare System is committed to protecting you and your family. Take comfort knowing that all of our medical professionals are working to ensure that we are able to respond effectively to COVID-19.
We are joining state and federal health officials in urging everyone in our community to take important steps to prevent further spread of COVID-19 in our community.
Limit time spent in public. HTHS asks everyone in our community to limit time spent in public to essential tasks such as buying food and medications. Social distancing can limit the spread of COVID-19 and protect the most vulnerable.
Wash your hands frequently using soap and water for 20 seconds.
If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, such as fever, cough or shortness of breath, please call the Brady Medical Clinic at 325-597-2114 or HTHS hospital at 325-597-2901 before arriving. This precaution is meant to prevent the spread of this contagious illness. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911.
We will continue to work day and night for your health and safety.
Be wise. Stay home. Stay safe.
Tim Jones, CEO Heart of Texas Healthcare System
April 16, 2020
The Novel Coronavirus is the official name of the disease commonly called COVID-19.
COVID-19 infects the lungs and airways in people. There are two main ways you can get infected with this virus.
Understanding this will help you understand why everyone is recommended to practice the following precautions:
Practice social distancing (six feet) because:
-When you are close to an infected person, you could breathe in the virus.
-When you are somewhere other people are, you might touch a surface they have infected.
Avoid touching our face because: -If your hands are infected, you will get infected touching your nose or mouth. -Any public surface people can touch could be infected.
Wash your hands because: Remember: 20 seconds with soap and water or with 60% alcohol sanitizer -It kills the virus on your hands, then if you touch your face, you are still safe. -If you are infected, it keeps you from infecting things by touching them.
Wear a breathing mask in public or near an infected person because: -If you can’t keep a social distance from others, it will reduce the chances you breathe in the virus when close to an infected person.
Cough and sneeze into your elbow because: -Coughs and sneezes can spread the virus a long-distance and infect nearby surfaces. -We rarely touch anything with our inner elbows.
April 7, 2020
Keeping you safe, healthy and informed is important to all of us at HTHS. You will find current COVID-19 information for McCulloch County by visiting Be sure to like the HTHS Facebook page ( to learn ways to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus and stay healthy and fit.
Heart of Texas Healthcare System reminds community to take steps to prevent spread of virus.
BRADY, Texas (March 31, 2020) – As the coronavirus continues to spread throughout the world, many in the local community are left wondering what to do. Fortunately, the easiest way to help prevent the spread of the virus is to simply stay home. Heart of Texas Healthcare System is reminding the community to take steps to slow the spread of the virus and to call first if you experience symptoms. READ MORE
March 22, 2020
Prior to presenting for medical care at the Brady Medical Clinic or Heart of Texas Healthcare System Emergency Room, please review the questionnaire below:
If you answered yes to these questions you must notify the Brady Medical Clinic or Hospital ER staff by phone before arriving to seek medical attention. For Questions Call: Brady Medical Clinic at (325) 597-2114 or Heart of Texas Healthcare System Emergency Room at (325) 597-2901 or for additional information.
Heart of Texas Healthcare System is committed to protecting the community, patients and hospital staff from the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). As the medical team works closely with state and federal healthcare officials, the hospital is urging the community to take steps to reduce the risk of infection.
According to state health officials, individuals who experience symptoms of COVID-19 are urged to call their healthcare provider. Symptoms can include:
If you are experiencing these symptoms or have been in close contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19, it is important that you call your healthcare provider before seeking treatment at the hospital or Brady Medical Clinic. This precaution is meant to prevent any potential spread of the virus.
HTHS is taking extra steps to ensure the safety of our patients and staff. All patients who visit the hospital will be asked a series of questions to determine whether they may have been exposed to COVID-19 so that the medical team can take appropriate steps to reduce the risk of exposure to others. The medical team is also performing additional disinfection and cleaning steps at the hospital and clinic.
Your healthcare provider can offer guidance on whether you need to seek testing and treatment. Please call your provider or Brady Medical Clinic at 325-597-2114.
Those with underlying health conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, a compromised immune system and the elderly are most at risk of complications from COVID-19.
To help us protect the community, the hospital is urging the community to follow guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
Heart of Texas Healthcare System will continue to closely monitor the spread of COVID-19 throughout the community and will work to ensure the safety of residents of McCulloch County. Please continue to check our website and our Facebook page for the latest information about COVID-19 in our community.
Click on the link below to request early access to the Covid-19 vaccine.
All requests are subject to approval.